Jim McAllister has been involved in search and rescue for over 45 years, starting as a volunteer member in the Rocky Mountains in 1977 as a member of Golden and District SAR and then Cranbrook SAR. He became the SAR specialist for the Province of B.C. in 2002. In 2008, Jim retired from the provincial government as a director with Emergency Management British Columbia, then became a volunteer director for special projects with the British Columbia Search and Rescue Association. He has participated at all levels of search and rescue, including nationally as the chair of the Ground Search and Rescue Council of Canada.
Jim has been involved with many major projects: the establishment of the Canadian Avalanche Centre (now Avalanche Canada); the development of the AdventureSmart outdoor safety program; the updating of reimbursement rates and achieving sustainable funding for SAR volunteers; the establishment of health and safety guidelines and the formation of a joint health and safety committee; and increasing recognition for volunteers including years of service pins. Jim was the lead for the establishment of the British Columbia Search and Rescue Volunteer Memorial on the legislative grounds in Victoria B.C. recognizing air, marine, and ground SAR volunteers who died in the line of service. He wrote a book on the last project, titled “A Monument to Remember.”